Get A Car Insurance Quote

You might have noticed your car insurance premiums creeping up in recent years - like many people in Ireland; you are not alone. So, what can you do to find the best car insurance policies, without spending a fortune? There are a few things you can do to give you the best shot. And, in this guide, we’re going to outline some of the most efficient methods. Read on to find out more in our guide to finding the best deals on car insurance in Ireland.

Young drivers

Let’s start at the beginning of your life in a car. Young drivers get the rough end of the stick when it comes to car insurance quotes. Try as you might, you will find it difficult to get a great deal anywhere. There are a few things you can do to lower those motor insurance premiums, though. First of all, avoid powerful cars when you have just passed your test. Regardless of your personal safety, they will cost you a fortune. In some cases, you can expect to pay insurance premiums close to the value of the car over a five year period.

Second of all, be aware that you have to prove yourself as a good and safe driver. It can be irritating, for sure, when you search through car insurance comparison sites and can’t find a cheap deal anywhere. Again, it’s all down to statistics. You are far more likely to crash your car when you are young, and you will also take more risks on the road. Modern technology can help you here, though. Look for an insurance deal that offers telematics systems. These little pieces of kit help you prove your safety on the road. They will let insurers know how fast you drive, where you are having problems, and they will adjust your premiums accordingly. Of course, if you are reckless in a car, then your premiums might go up. But, if you are confident you are safe, it could save you a lot of money.

Car insurance for women

In days gone by, women drivers were able to use female-only insurance programs. However, since 2012, this practice has been outlawed in Ireland and across Europe. Insurance companies are no longer able to make that discrimination between men and women. In fact, they aren’t even allowed to take gender into account when insuring their customers. Is this a rough deal for women? Well, the statistics might say so - women tend to be safe drivers in the main, and take fewer risks on the road.

However, depending on your career, you could still find yourself a better deal. Although insurance companies can’t discriminate by sex, they can take your profession into account. And, as female dominated careers such as teaching tend to result in fewer accidents than others, that means cheaper insurance. You should be careful about the title you use to describe your job, though. For example, if you put ‘music teacher’ in your application rather than ‘teacher’. It could cost you an extra hundred Euro or so. And, if you are retired or a parent makes sure you tick that box instead of ‘unemployed’. It could save you anything up to €400.

Regular drivers.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the basic tips for cutting your insurance premiums in Ireland, for any driver. There are a few things that apply when it comes to driving down your insurance costs. It all starts with the car you drive. Newer models have more safety features than their older ancestors. Older motors are more likely to break down. They also lack immobilisers and alarms and are statistically likely to cost insurance firms money. So, given that all insurance companies use statistics to evaluate their premiums, it makes sense to buy a modern car.

Another step you can take is to increase your excess payments. As a rule, Irish insurance companies will offer a standard, flat rate of excess. However, if you are prepared to pay a little more, it will lower your premiums. It’s a gamble, of course., But, if you feel you drive safely all the time, it is worth your while. Finally, all drivers in Ireland - no matter what age, sex, or ability - should always shop around to find the best deals. Cheap car insurance isn’t just going to land in your lap - you have to dig around for it. Price comparison sites can help, but avoid using one service - you’ll get a broader range by using several.

Payment methods.

How you pay your motor insurance also has a big effect on your premiums. There are a few things Irish drivers can do to cut down their costs. First of all, you will pay interest on your insurance if you spread the cost out over a year. It can be anywhere between €50-100 extra just for the privilege of paying monthly. That’s a lot of extra cash that you could use far better elsewhere. So, if you can, always pay upfront - it will be far cheaper for you.

You should also be looking at what you are paying for. You have to ask yourself, are all these added extras worth the money, or am I just throwing money away? Nothing on your insurance quote will be free - it’s all going to cost you. So, look at things like breakdown cover. Do you already have breakdown assistance with someone else? If so, remove it from your policy. Are you planning on going abroad during the next year? If not, then why are you paying for it on your insurance? A lot of these extra features are often covered by insurance policies you already have, such as for your household or travel insurance. Make sure that when you visit car insurance comparison sites that you always take this into account.

Secondary drivers.

In Ireland, if you own the car, you have to declare it to your insurers - it’s against the law to try and hoodwink them. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t name a secondary driver on your policy.

You will find your car insurance quotes are a lot cheaper when you have an experienced name on your plan. As long as they have a clean license and a long history of no-claims, it will lower your premiums. Just be sure to get their permission first, to avoid any uncomfortable moments!

Switching policies.

Far too many people, from Ireland and all over the world, fail to change their insurance cover when their contract is up. Often, this means you just get put on a contract extension, and you miss out on the better deals that are offered to new customers. So, always make a note on your calendar of when your policy ends. Give yourself some time to find a better deal - which you will, of course. Assuming you have made no claims, it’s another year of driving experience under your belt. And, of course, new customers are given a lot more tempting offers than current clients when it comes to any insurance policy.

Make sure that you move fast, too. You’ll need to start the ball rolling a few weeks before your policy ends. It’s not just a question of common sense, either. On average you can save over €300 just by being quicker on the draw. And, if you are a younger driver, you can make even bigger savings. Make sure that you compare as many car insurance quotes as possible. Again, don’t just stick to one comparison site - use as many as you can. Just jot down the eye-catching deals, and then go through them to find all those extras you don’t need. This all takes time, of course - and insurance isn’t something you can rush.

The small print

Insurance companies of any description are masters of the small print. All those terms and conditions aren’t there for your benefit, though. Within them, you could find some toe-curling reading, but it’s something you should always do. You might find something that doesn’t sit comfortably with you, or that costs you a lot more money. You might also realise the policy itself isn’t worth the paper it is written on, and only gives you cover in extreme circumstances. Never trust the marketing spiel of any insurance company, because it tends to come with an enormous range of conditions. Understand that, and you will save a fortune on your premiums and still have protection when you need it.

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